I know I've been AWOL again, but the last 2 weekends have been really crazy,and lately the weekends are the only time I get to make cards. First I had to rush Mom to the ER for a nose bleed that we couldn't stop..(she's on blood thinners she's 78, Dad is 86 and was scared to say the least, but Thank the Lord they live down stairs from me) anyway, she's OK now, and then last Friday, my son came home with a pain in his chest. Thought he pulled a muscle since he complained when he came home from a basketball game. Said it hurt by his peck and couldn't take a deep breath. So the next day he goes to practice (which is on Saturday..has to go into Manhattan since his school is in Manhattan) and comes home white as a ghost and again says it hurts when he takes a deep breath. Rush him to the Dr. listens to his chest doesn't hear anything, touches him by his peck he winces in pain and says the same thing as me. but wants me to check in with her on Monday. Well to make a long story short, turns out he has an phenomonia. Poor kid. So needless to say the 3 day weekend turned into a nightmare, but I am glad I was home to rush to around. He feels better now, but has to take it easy, still hurts when he breaths, but not as much.. and knows he's benched for a few more games and also cannot sing in Choir. He is the only 16 year old that I know that was upset about missing 3 days of school and begged to go back on Friday. Monday starts finals, and he also has his English Regents. The Moral of this story is that I will never utter the words "I want to have a nice relaxing weekend" ever again... I hope typing it doesn't count..lol
I started this card about 2 weeks ago, and finally finished it...Bout time right considering I had so much time on my hands...lol
Love your sweet Kitty, awesome job.
Welcome back! Really cute card. Try to find some "me" time this weekend if you can. Hugs...Kris (ps - good luck with that Sentimentals cart!)
Such a lovely card dear, fabulous colours and lovely image, hope your family are all well now
Hugs Jacqui x
Oh poor guy (and mom) it's always something huh! I hope he doesn't over do it (ya, I have sons too, so I know how that goes)! ;) Love your adorable and sweet card Debbie!! ((hugs))
Darling card, I love the kitty!!! and the colours, as usual your cards are beautiful!!
I'm happy everyone is on the mend at your place, how scary for your Mom's nose bleed and your Son's pneumonia! Thank goodness you got that checked out. :-) Hope you find some time for yourself this weekend coming up!!
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